Q. How much does it cost to join Lincoln & District BSAC 109?
All our members are required to be a member BSAC – annual fee of £60.50 per adult and £34 for junior membership. For details of other BSAC membership rates/schemes visit: bsac.com
In addition Lincoln & District annual club membership is £100 per year.
Q. What do I get for my membership fee?
National BSAC membership as standard – please see https://www.bsac.com
The club has a compressor for air fills – fills are discounted for all members.
The club has it’s own boat which is utilised for dive trips – overall costs of the trip (ie: fuel, launch fees etc) are divided equally between those on the trip – no other costs are charged to the divers.
Weekly use of the Pool (1 hour on Sunday evenings).
Access to training & support. There may is an additional cost for hire of kit while you are training, the instructors give their time free but there is an expectation that expenses they incur for open water training is covered by the student(s).
After a minimum period members are invited to contribute to the overall running and administration of the club.
Q. Do I need a medical?
All members are required to complete & sign a medical declaration – any cost of subsequent medical examination required as part of this declaration process will be covered by the individual – the club is not responsible or liable for further medical requirements.
Q. If I do a Try Dive is this amount deducted from my first year membership fee?
Yes, if you join the club within 3 months of completing your Try Dive with us, your first year club membership fee will be reduced by the cost of the Try Dive.
Q. Does the Club have a set of rules?
Yes. You will be sent our rules via email. There is an expectation that all club members will adhere to the rules at all times in the interests of diver safety and club administration.
Q. What equipment am I likely to need?
It is recognised that the cost of Scuba Kit is expensive, however the club does have a supply of kit which can be hired during training. There is also the opportunity to purchase used kit to reduce the overall outlay for new divers. Club members are always happy to offer advice & guidance on purchase of kit – please feel free to discuss your requirements with any of our members – if they don’t know they’ll know someone who does!
All divers will ultimately require the following: